The Consultants at the Kuala Lumpur Foot Ankle Clinic are covered by most of the major Insurance Companies. The Pantai Group of hospitals are premier hospitals that provides services to the Insurance Companies. You should check with your insurers as to the level of your coverage and for any shortfalls that may be incurred.

Consultation fees will be charged in accordance to the Malaysian Medical Association Fee Schedule. Any investigations, tests or procedures required are charged in addition to the consultation fee. Please note that insurance companies usually do not cover for post operative shoes, splints, braces, crutches etc.
The Kuala Lumpur Foot Ankle Clinic uses the Malaysia Medical Association Fee Schedule. When you schedule an operation with us, we will provide an estimation of the fees. We will also aid you in attaining the necessary approvals from the insurance companies. Should there be any shortfalls in your insurance coverage, you will be responsible for it.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact our office on +603 9132 2022 ext 3333 (Mrs Vijaya Kumari). |